Once a 3306, Forever a 3306

Thursday, April 12, 2007

hello ppl! =D

By order from the very scary class leader, CHEWNG WEN ZHAO, i am adding a post here on our very nice class blog. [this is utter crap] anyway, i don't really know what to write about today. so i'll just add whatever that comes in mind. kind of like a impromptu thingy going on.

oh yes. there's the new geography groupings. hope it'll be nice working in the new group. =] it seems to me that we will get to work with everyone in the class in either one project or another for one subject or another. and i noe vector (3) sucks big time. just hang in there for one or two more tutorials and we'll move on to nicer topics, namely stats and complex numbers. i'm sure it'll be better. =] well, today's GP didn't really go well BUT we did our best, right? just put in more effort. it's quite fun, GP. =] but Speak EZ has got to be the most enjoyable activity for GP. =] what with the popcorn or peanuts. and gay marriages or not. =]

well, everyone's tired. don't worry! 1 more day to a WONDERFUL weekend. 2 days of rest and making pancakes/ waffles on one of the days. imagine! being able to keep 40% of the profits! work for that if nothing else! =DDD

and yes, jia you, all people who are down for concerts, competition, SYFs. =]

AND I WANT TO ANNOUNCE TO THE WORLD THAT JIANG YIJIE IS GOING TO UNIVERSITY IN SEPTEMBER WHEN WE ARE "HAPPILY" MUGGING FOR PRELIMS AND A LEVELS. I"M SO DEPRESSED! YIJIE, PLEASE COME BACK TO SINGAPORE (so i can bite you)! haha. that brings me to the question: is it really that surprising that we are experiencing brain drain?

oh well. life. with no money. is to stay. in singapore. let's work hard for a levels then. seeing that we have to depend on that (lousy) piece of paper to find a university.



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